Turf Management
Blue Magic™ has shown to be extremely effective on commercial turf
fields, as well as residential lawn car applications to combat common
fungus and mildew issues that are associated with turf management.
Naturals by Blue Magic™ has been shown to eliminate the need for chemical fungicides and reduce and even eliminate many pest preventatives such as Deet and other flying insect repellents. Early studies also show a reduction in fertilizer and water requirements
in Turf production. This allows for major savings on your
fertilizer needs.
During a recent study in central Florida, Blue Magic™ Farm and Ranch was shown to eradicate white powdery mildew in commercial turf fields! Studies are being conducted at The University of Oklahoma and Auburn University to further the full scope of all our Blue Magic™ has to offer!

Golf Courses
Blue Magic™ has shown to be extremely effective on commercial turf
fields, as well as residential lawn care applications to combat common
fungus and mildew issues that are associated with turf management.
Blue Magic™ has been shown to repel common insects such as mosquitos and Gnats, including No-See-Ums!

Turf Stadiums
During a recent study, Blue Magic™ was proven to eradicate white powdery mildew in commercial sod farms and golf course management. When used regularly, our pet and child-safe products help to reduce the number of pests found around parks, playgrounds, fields and even backyards. Effective at deterring mosquitos, chiggers, Gnats and more!

Soccer Fields
Players and spectators can worry less
with Blue Magic™, lessen your chances for a negative reaction due to harmful insects while creating brighter, lush green fields and courses with the powerful pest-repelling natural ingredients of Blue Magic™.